Having considered the Scottish Government and RYA Scotland advice on Phase 1 of the lockdown, KoBSC has been looking at which activities can be restarted. Racing, junior Topper training and social gatherings are not going to be possible but under certain conditions, the club’s Topper dinghies can be used by members. There are 2 Toppers currently available at the Starter’s Hut numbered 1 and 2 and possibly another 2 if required.
Conditions for using KoBSC Toppers during Phase 1:
Boats must be reserved and not used within 72 hours of previous use - See Booking System Below
Only handle the dinghy you have reserved
Independent own risk sailing only
Appropriate social distancing must be followed ashore and afloat
Hand Santatiser before and after using boats
Clean Handle of Trolley before and after use with Santatiser
Check condition of boat throughly
Singlehanders or family groups only
Competent sailors only
Do not leave boat on trolley
Follow RYA guidance:
Booking System
The virus can survive on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours and, given the difficulty of effectively cleaning the dinghies, a booking system is needed to ensure there is a 72 hour gap between use by different households.
The booking system is as follows and uses the KoBSC information WhatsApp group (please contact kobscsailing@yahoo.co.uk if you would like to join).
Check Availability
Use Whatsapp to check Topper availability
not already reserved
more than 72 hours since last return
Send a WhatsApp with your name, which Topper and when you would like to use it
<name> Topper <number> Reserved <date> <time>
On returning the Topper, send a WhatsApp with name, which Topper and when you returned it
Topper <number>
Returned <date> <time>
Trolley cleaned